What's New

The changelog.

12/21/06: I have added this page. In addition, I fixed the weird h3 problem were all my text got put in BIG font. I also mentioned a possible mailing list and talked about the new Poqet. I will also add a new "About Me" page to this site. In fact, had you seen this page a few seconds ago, you would have seen this text get big (I had put <> around h3). I also updated and fixed my cross-country page. Now the times of the meets and the meet names actually look like a table :) So far, I have four pages: one on computing, one the home page, another the news page, and another on running. I have developed a couple alot as well. See, I am updating it! What do you mean I'm a oblivious webmaster? Well, honestly, I can be one.*

12/22/06: Problems with justification when typing occur. I have ordered my Poqet PC Plus! Yes! I added personal.html, my About Me page, though it is under construction. I also added a page on my Poqet that doesn't work yet.

12/28/06: I got my Poqet page to work! Yes! I have fixed the other links to it as well. I am looking forward to getting my Poqet. I will also have a page for my Topica mailing list. I have also updated my About Me page. In addition I will be adding more images to my site. I have also been editing the Wikipedia page on the Poqet PC here. It had poor coverage of the PC Plus and no citing, so I fixed that. I also added links to that page since it had only one measly little link. Anyway, back to my site. I fixed a lot of stupid a href= mistakes. I need to work on my HTML. I also added a page on DOS downloads. I will be working on that later on. Always stuff to do.*

12/29/06: I have edited the main home page some in addition to the Poqet PC Plus page and my personal page. As for the home page, this news page does exist, and so does my personal page. I am adding only a little bit to my personal page. I still don't have many images though. I will have to make some sort of clip art for it. I am also thinking of adding some stuff to my Poqet page on buying my Poqet from CA Digital and my service over the phone and through e-mail. Another option I have considered about my site is adding a special links page.

1/2/07: I added a page as a site map. It is at http://molleraj.homeplex.org:8080/oldwebsite/sitemap.html, but is not yet fully active. I will be busy for some time so my site will not be updated in several days.

1/8/07: I will be receiving my Poqet PC Plus on Tuesday or Wednesday. I will be updating my website when I get it. So far all is well. I had a busy week last week, so hopefully this week or later I can add stuff to the site.

1/12/07: I still don't have my Poqet, and three weeks have passed! I do not know what is going on! I hope it will come soon. I am really looking forward to using it. It is pretty pointless to write my opinions about something I have not ever used or owned. Also, I plan to do some writing about American history to post onto my site. I am not totally sure of whether I will include that, though. I will see. I also added a link to my high school's webpage on my home page.

1/15/07: Okay, first, I have done something very stupid. I had listed several dates as January of '06 on this page! Finally I realized my mistake and I fixed it today finally. Also I have some good news. Terry, the owner of California Digital, informed me that he sent the package and that it will arrive this week. He also sent me a tracking number. Terry isn't the problem here; UPS is. Still, I'm happy that I'll probably get my Poqet very, very soon. I hope :)

1/21/07: I have received my Poqet PC Plus, and I love it! It is much smaller than I expected. I have been playing around with it a little and getting used to its look and feel. There are a few shortcomings with it, like the weird serial port and the fact I can't get a new laptop to read SRAM, but for all practical purposes, the machine is great. Currently I need to get a PCMCIA to CF adapter for file sharing from Office Depot.

2/7/07: I am still trying to hook up this Poqet to a PC. I have had a lot of trouble over this time to try to connect this thing to another PC. I do not know quite what to do, but I have been lucky enough to borrow a CF card from someone. I will test the card next week when I get it. Also, another SDF user who has Poqets has written to me about his machines. I may add some of his information here later on. I will update my Poqet PC Plus review today or tommorrow as well.

6/23/2008: After a long hiatus, I am back editing this site. Unfortunately, I didn't get to hook up my Poqet to a PC. Now I am happily learning Scheme on my *old* Palm III. Also I have been working on bacteriophage and biochemical studies for the past six months. Especially moreso now that school is over! For all changes, see the home page and the other pages of this site.

UPDATE 11/25/09: I haven't touched these pages in a while because I have been busy at school. I am preparing for the ACT (December 12) and the ACS U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad (2010).

UPDATE 5/20/10: I ranked as one of the top 50 students nationally (High Honors) in the 2010 ACS U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad!!

1/1/2011: Happy New Year! I finished applying for colleges and am working on presenting my JETS NEDC (Junior Engineering Technical Society National Engineering Design Challenge) project. NEDC is a competition to design devices for individuals with disabilities. Click here for more info. My team got to the semi-finals, so now we are making a video to present our device. I will post the Youtube link as soon as possible. I also finished applying to colleges - eight of them! Hooray!

1/2/2011: I added some CSS styling to the website and links to homebrew computer YouTube videos. Hope you like it!

1/21/2011: I added a page on Walnut Hills JETS and will add a page with my favorite music videos embedded. I also updated the transit systems page.

6/5/2011: I will be attending the University of Pennsylvania this fall! I am so excited. This summer I will be working in the Crowder lab at Miami University - this will be my third summer there. Moving back to the website, anyway - I fixed the Cincinnati skyline photo on the home page and I will add some embedded videos soon. I have a lot more time because it is summer, and I have graduated from high school!

8/13/2011: I will be going off to college in three weeks! It is both scary and exciting! This summer has gone by pretty quickly - I worked in the Crowder lab in June and July and visited northwestern Michigan (e.g., Traverse City) in the first week of August. Over this summer I have done much reading, programming, and writing. I wrote a "Complex Function Grapher" in MATLAB for a friend available on the MATLAB Central File Exchange.

2/10/12: I have spent a semester of my life at UPenn! I guess it is okay so far. I am working in a worm genetics lab, which is probably the best part of my time here. I am also part of Penn Quiz Bowl, lead by the great Eric Mukherjee! ISP has gone pretty well - it has gotten strange with the new theme of "The Order of Things." I have also created a new blog on a variety of subjects, which you can find here. The blog will feature my poetry and thoughts on a variety of areas, from baseball to science.

8/27/2012: I can't believe my website is almost six years old (2006 to 2012). Anyway, I had another fruitful summer in the Crowder lab and I will return to the University of Pennsylvania in a few days! Recently I have been teaching myself the programming language Forth and have implemented the game Bulls and Cows in it. I will also be updating the website over the next few days.

8/28/2012: I finally added a page about my Palm devices! You can find it here.

10/28/2012: I now have a wonderful Zipit wireless messenger [Z2]; I wrote this update from it!!!!!

11/1/2012: Things are pretty good here. I plan to use my Zipit to edit my website from anywhere! I am actually editing this from my Zipit. Anyway, I am still listening to Brazilian music and I will be learning to play the diatonic harmonica soon. I got a couple of nice Hohners (a G Marine Band and a C Pro Harp) online for about 20 bucks total. I am looking forward to playing some nice tunes with them (like "Ojala que llueva cafe" by Juan Luis Guerra).

1/4/2013: Happy new year! I can't believe this website is more than six years old! I will have more updates soon - possibly some stuff on Zipit Z2 and Sharp Zaurus Linux. For now, I'll just mention the change in the website address - I now have ARPA membership, so I have changed my subdomain to *.sdf.org. The new web address is http://molleraj.homeplex.org:8080/oldwebsite.

7/7/2013: Hello everyone! It has been so long since I last updated the page. It was down for a while but now I have fixed all the links to update them to the new .sdf.org domain. Unfortunately it looks like the Palm page got lost in the transfer...argh. Oh well. Things are going pretty well; I will be transferring to Miami University for the fall! I am happy to come home. I will be studying microbiology and will begin medical school applications next year!

5/19/2015: I haven't updated my website in a while because I have been very busy with classes and research. I will be pursuing a CMSB MS next year to continue my bioinformatics research. I am studying phage-bacterial interactions in solar salterns by locating CRISPR arrays in saltern metagenomes. It will be great to continue the project this summer. Right now I'm updating the newslog from the 2015 Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO) at Purdue University!

7/24/2018: Oh, wow - I have not updated my website in at least three years! Oh my gosh! Well, I have plenty of stuff to add now. I am currently a PhD student in the Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (MMG) graduate program at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. I am working on staphylococcal genomics, evolution, and phage resistance with Timothy Read in the Department of Medicine/Division of Infectious Diseases. My hobbies continue to include Linux coding, hacking, and computing of various sorts. In the future, my website will include new pages on my graduate work as well as all the cool computing stuff (Zipit Z2, OpenWRT routers, text-based gaming, Forth, command-line web browsing, DOS portables, and much more) I have been doing in the past few years. Hard to believe my SDF website is over 10 years old!

7/25/2018: I added a new website counter PHP script to the homepage. You can learn more about the script here.

4/8/2021: Wow, it's been a long time since my last update! I have become highly active on SDF again thanks to setting up SDF SIP VoIP (internet telephone) service. I participate in nightly conference calls (0200-0300) on x1088 which are broadcast over aNONradio (OpenVoIP). I also created a gopher page where I will be regularly phlogging. Anyway, I better get back to writing this thesis!

That is all so far.

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